Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Competency 8: Research Visual/Multimedia

Understanding evidence-based medicine is considered to be important for physician assistants according to research. On a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the highest value, evidence-based medicine was rated 4.5/5, which places it in first place. The ability to search databases, including Medline, was rated second at 4.4/6 with critique of research studies rated third at 4.3/5.

Since my topic is ebm, I selected this image because it demonstrates the importance of evidence-based medicine in the training curriculum of physician assistants, which demonstrates the increasing importance that ebm plays in medicine. Therefore, it is necessary for the healthcare practitioners to understand what ebm is and to learn about it during their training.

Copyright Information: Hegmann, T., & Dehn, R. (2004). Models of Research Instruction in Physician Assistant Education. Retrieved October 22, 2008, from