Sunday, September 21, 2008

Competency 5: Tagging/Cataloging

Library thing tags: evidence based practice(1) evidence-based medicine(1) gps(1) hadwebutworldenoughandtime(1) information literacy(1) mechanics(1) Medical(1) Medical Reference(1) Medical Writing(1) Medicine(2) Psychosocial(1) reading(1) reference(1) research(2) Statistics(1) unowned(1) unread

Library thing link:

I picked How to Read a Paper: The Basics of Evidence-Based Medicine by Trisha Greenhalgh. I chose it because it explains how read the evidence-based paper: it explains the meaning of terms, such as critical appraisal, it discuss how to perform literature searches, and how to evaluate the different types of papers.

I chose this book because, just by looking at title, I could tell that it is something that I need to read and learn about since my goal is to be a medical librarian.